Home services are just a click away!
Why spend hours online searching for local services when you can easily and quickly book them from your phone, right to your doorstep? Searching for a plumber to fix a broken pipe or just need some help around the house this weekend? No need to waste any more time because “Reachaus” makes the entire process hassle-free! Every company has its own interesting story and here we are showcasing ours.
What is “Reachaus” you may ask? Well, it’s definition lies in it’s name itself. Reachaus’ name comes from “Reach” and “Haus“, the German word for Home. We assure that the “Best service providers reach your Haus“.
Simply said, we are an all-in-one online marketplace that lets our customers book general services as well as domestic service professionals such as beauticians, cleaning, carpenters, handyman, moving companies, cake bakers, and other local services, all at just one touch all across Germany for free.
Our platform not only caters to those who are looking for services, but also to those that offer services. Reachaus helps you to present your skills and business online professionally. Our “Reachaus” app is available in German, English, Italian and French and helps you to conveniently manage your offered services, pricing, availability schedules and much more, thereby allowing freelancers and business owners to gain an online presence and reach out to a vast audience.
Our end-to-end service delivery platform is a link between skilled and experienced professionals and the customers who are looking for specific services. It is our goal to provide you with the most hassle-free and transparent service experience so that you can book services sitting at home. Our mission is to shape how the future services industry works and make it easy, simple, and transparent.